What We Do

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Our aim, purpose, and mission is the Great Commission.

We are a group of Christians who believe and trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, King, Shepherd, and God. We know we are not any special group of people, but saved by God’s grace, we are committed to use our abilities and gifts in obedience to God’s calling so that the Gospel is preached to all the nations. Some of us are regularly engaged in evangelism in public places, some are laboring through our website as editors and content contributors, and some are helping with marketing and events. While there are varieties of gifts, ministries, and effects, we believe in the same Spirit, same Lord, and same God enabling us for the same goal, that is the spreading of the Gospel and strengthening of the Christian faith.

We work to serve the Body of Christ.

To proclaim the Gospel and strengthen Christian faith in this lost and dying world, ONE for the GOSPEL ministries is prepared and ready to serve in various ways. Below is a list of the gospel-centered seminars we offer churches, schools, and other ministries.

Seminar Topics:
Biblical Doctrine

  • The Gospel, the Great Commission, and Biblical Teachings
  • The differences between exegetical theology, biblical theology, and systematic theology
  • The Importance of Sound Biblical Teachings



  • The Gospel, the Great Commission, and Evangelism
  • Evangelism 101: What is biblical evangelism?
  • Evangelism 102: Is evangelism the job of the church or gifted evangelists?



  • The Gospel, the Great Commission, and Apologetics
  • The Bible and Defending the Word of God
  • History and Defending the Christian Witness


To schedule a presentation/seminar, you can email us at info@ONEfortheGOSPEL.org. Once we receive your email, we will send you more information on how to schedule an event.

Our Ministries

Proclaim the Gospel

As we ourselves have received salvation through the proclamation of the Gospel, we are committed to proclaiming the Gospel through purposeful evangelism and living out Christian lives in our communities.

Sound Biblical Doctrine

To help Christians observe what Christ commanded, we are committed to advocating for sound biblical teachings through article and videos. Ultimately, we want to see all Christians study the Bible for themselves and be an active member of healthy local churches to live out their Christian lives.

Strengthen Christian Faith

To strengthen Christian faith, especially among the young and doubtful, we are committed to helping through our presuppositional framework of apologetics. Our goal is for Christians to lift their shields of faith to defend against the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Serve the Body of Christ

As Christ showed us the example not to be served but to serve, we are committed to serving the Body of Christ. We labor to evangelize the world, encourage the saints, and equip the Body of Christ.

Bring glory to God

We exist to bring glory to God through Christ Jesus. Our goal is not to better ourselves through our ministries but to glorify the works of God through the death and resurrection of Christ in our lives.