Biblical Doctrine Articles

Our goal is for every Christian to study the Bible for himself and be an active member of a healthy local church to live out his Christian life.

The word “doctrine” means “teachings and instructions,” or simply, “a set of beliefs.” Whether we realize it or not, we all use the beliefs we embrace to create our own way of viewing things in life (this is called an “interpretive framework”). Therefore, our “doctrines” determine our understanding of events and affect our activities in life.

The doctrines you embrace often determine how you live your Christian life. There is a saying that goes, “Orthodoxy helps orthopraxy.” Ortho (right or sound) + doxy (belief or teaching) helps ortho (right or sound) + praxy (practice). It means if you have right or sound beliefs, you will have right or sound practices in life. Just as right and sound body posture helps your body’s health, right and sound beliefs help your Christian life’s health.

To help further healthy and sound teachings for Christians, we offer biblical doctrine articles that are helpful for your Christian life. 


Yes, Apologetics Matter

There is a song our children from church love singing called Jesus Loves Me. The lyrics say, “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” How do we know this? The Bible is our source of knowledge that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.

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Do You Value Your Theology?

Most people today, including Christians, think of the word “theology” as something one studies in Bible college, seminary, or a divinity school. But the meaning of the word “theology” simply means the study of God or the things of God. So, this is significant not only to theological students in seminaries but also to every person who has an idea about God.

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Are Creeds and Confessions Important?

In today’s world, where there are many theological confusions, it is easy to hear Christian clichés that are not necessarily biblical. One frequently used cliché is that “Christianity isn’t a religion. It’s a relationship with Christ.” This line of thinking contains a degree of truth, but one should be cautious in evaluating it.

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The Effects of the Gospel

Acknowledging the gospel without recognizing the purpose of the gospel is like having a gospel that doesn’t satisfy God’s will. It is like having a medicine that does not cure the disease it was invented for. This is a significant concern because if the medicine didn’t help you, then you are still sick, and the sickness is still taking your life.

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God and the Gospel

Some people may wonder, “Where did the gospel come from?” Or someone may assume that since the gospel is first mentioned in the Book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, it must be a New Testament concept. However, the gospel, which was revealed in the New Testament, has always been God’s plan for the salvation of humanity.

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What is the Gospel?

The word “gospel” is a familiar word to most people in the Western world. Christians use this term frequently, yet when asked to explain it, few have a satisfactory explanation. It means that people wrongly assume they believe in the gospel without actually taking the time to comprehend it.  It is worth looking into and reminding all of us of what we, the Christians, believe as the gospel.

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