Evangelism Seminars/Trainings/Support

Through the rising influences of relativism and humanism, many are becoming discouraged and disillusioned to think it is wrong to share their Christian faith with someone of a different faith.

Recent studies show almost all practicing Christians (95-97%) believe part of their Christian faith involves being a witness of Jesus Christ. The same majority believes the best thing that could ever happen to anyone is for them to know Jesus. Sadly, it is also suggested that almost all practicing Christians (95-98%) do not consistently labor in spreading the good news. Through the rising influences of relativism and humanism, many are becoming discouraged and disillusioned to think it is wrong to share their Christian faith with someone of a different faith.

ONE for the Gospel Ministries is here to encourage and support local churches, Christian schools, and Christian ministries by offering seminars, trainings, and support to enable other believers to stand for the truth of the Gospel of God and carry out the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Evangelism Seminars

Topics available are listed below and can be chosen by the inviting groups:

  • The Gospel, the Great Commission, and Evangelism: The importance of the message and mission of the Church
  • Evangelism 101: What is biblical evangelism?
  • Evangelism 102: Is evangelism the job of the church or gifted evangelists?


Evangelism Trainings

Trainings are conducted in three ways: in a classroom setting, through scripture assignments, and via hands-on practice. Offered trainings to choose from are as listed below:

  • How to evangelize: One right way, helpful tips, what to expect, popular lies/deceptions, common encounters
  • Who to evangelize: People in our culture, where God has placed you
  • Equipping for evangelism: The full armor of God


Evangelism Support

We will gladly come alongside Bible-believing local churches to support evangelism. Here are ways we can support other churches.

  • Invite us to come speak at your evangelistic event.
  • ONE for the GOSPEL Ministries will come and assist your evangelistic campaign.
  • We will come and share the Gospel in your neighborhood and city.


Gospel Training Program (26 Session Program)

This program can be setup to run for one semester or an academic year.

  • Topics covered include Getting Familiar with the Gospel, The Importance of the Bible, Christian History, Biblical Doctrine, and Gospel.
  • The differences between exegetical theology, biblical theology, and systematic theology.
  • Program will cover a wide range of topic areas and live examples in Biblical Doctrine, Evangelism, and Apologetics for Gospel training.


To schedule a seminar or training, you can email us at info@ONEfortheGOSPEL.org. Once we receive your email, we will send you more information on how to schedule an event.

Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
Matthew 9:36–38

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