Mission Statement

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19–20

Our Mission Statement: The Great Commission

The Great Commission is the Lord Jesus Christ’s instruction to His disciples after His resurrection. Although the command was initially given only to His eleven Apostles (just as the rest of the books of the Bible were initially given to a specific audience at first), we believe the Great Commission is a mission to all disciples (Christians) of every generation.

We are determined to bring glory to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His glorious Gospel and serving the Body of Christ through partnership with local churches, Christian schools, and other Christian ministries to advocate for sound biblical doctrine, the work of evangelism, and helpful apologetics to strengthen the Christian faith.

The Definition of the Gospel

When Christians use the word “Gospel,” we mean the “good news” from the Bible. Old English gōdspel (gōd ‘good’ + spel ‘news, tidings, or message’) comes from the Greek word euangelion. While the “good news” is simple enough that a child can understand it, it is also so profound that we cannot exhaust the depth and fullness of its meanings and implications. What then is the Gospel?

In its broader sense, the Gospel represents God’s plan of salvation by encompassing four elements of truth: 1. God the Creator, God Almighty, exists and reigns. 2. Fallen mankind, sinners, are not worthy of His eternal kingdom. 3. Jesus Christ, the Savior, came to take away the sin of the world. 4. By repenting of one’s rebellious and ignorant sinful stance before God and believing in what Jesus Christ has done for mankind, one can receive forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, becoming righteous before the throne of the Almighty God.

The Gospel in its essence is the message of the saving work of Christ for sinners through His death and resurrection. It is about who Jesus is, why He came, and what He has accomplished. It centers on the Person of Jesus and glorifies the work of Christ. It proclaims that the kingdom of God is at hand, and by Jesus being the perfect sacrifice and paying the full payment for sin, man can now have a reconciled relationship with God in His everlasting kingdom. The Gospel being proclaimed in its pure, truthful, and faithful way ought to convict men to repentance and glorify the work of Christ so Christ can manifest Himself in man’s life to the glory of God.

Our Principles

1. We are what some may call a parachurch organization (para in Greek means “alongside”). We exist to assist and serve local churches, not to replace or compete in any way.
2. We are devoted to being faithful and obedient to the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, to evangelize the world, encourage the saints, and equip the Body of Christ.
3. We commit ourselves continuously and prayerfully to the ministry of the Word and the Gospel, not driven to measuring success based on financial or ministry results.
4. We believe God provides for every need of His people, especially those who are laboring for the Gospel, and therefore, we are committed to keeping this ministry debt-free.
5. We are committed to preaching what we practice and practicing what we preach. Scripture speaks about teachers incurring a stricter judgment (James 3:1). We believe servants of the Lord must walk in integrity and not be double-minded.